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Showing articles from games tag

Sometimes when I type into a browser or application I get all zeroes, or other unexpected behavior. What should I do?

This rarely but sometimes happens, for example, when using some sophisticated games. Click on the “G” in the Dock, or the Menu at the top of the screen, and deselect “Enable” while working with that application. GuardedID® cannot protect your computer against keyloggers when it is disabled. When you are done using …

Does GuardedID® work with computer games?

You must disable GuardedID® during play with certain games. GuardedID® is designed to protect your browser sessions and desktop applications (MS Word, Excel, Outlook, VPN clients, IM chats, etc.). GuardedID® protects some “online web browser games” but not all of them. GuardedID® currently does not protect gaming app…

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