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Showing articles from notification icons tag

What is Enhanced Mode?

Enhanced Mode offers greater security and is the GuardedID® default mode. It is optimized for newer computers and OS versions. If you get “0”s when you type, you can disable the Enhanced Mode by going to “Manage” on the GuardedID® toolbar and toggling off Enhanced Mode. GuardedID® will still encrypt your keystrokes, …

How do I know GuardedID® is protecting my Mac?

Once you download GuardedID® a “G” appears in the Dock. Four variations explain when GuardedID® or Apple is protecting you as you type on the keyboard:  a red exclamation point (!), a green dot (.), a red dot (.), and a green dot (.) with a white dash. (See other Knowledge Base articles for explanations of each.)

How do I know GuardedID® is protecting browsers such as Chrome and Opera, which do not support a GuardedID® toolbar?

When you are using browsers such as Chrome, Opera, etc. that do not have GuardedID® toolbars, the “Desktop Protection” agent is active. When you see the “G” in the notification area (system tray) at the bottom right of your screen, you know that GuardedID® Desktop Protection is ready. Each time you press a key, the “…

How do I know GuardedID® is working when I’m typing in desktop applications?

When you are in a desktop program like Excel or Outlook, the “Desktop Protection” agent is active. When you see the “G” in the notification area (system tray) at the bottom right of your screen, you know that GuardedID® Desktop Protection is ready. Each time you press a key, the “G” will flash to indicate that encryp…

What does a red dot (.) mean when seen in the “G” in the Dock?

A red dot means GuardedID® is disabled temporarily by you. You can easily enable GuardedID® through the “G” icon in the Dock, or in the Menu on top by clicking on “Enable” in either location.

What does a red exclamation point (!) mean when seen in the “G” in the Dock?

A red exclamation point means GuardedID® is not activated at that time. Go to “Menu | Manage License” and enter your license activation key if the field is blank;  click “Activate”.

I do not see the “G” icon in the notification area (system tray) at the bottom right of my screen. How do I show the icon?

If you cannot see the “G” in the notification area, you can: 1. “Right click” on the current time in the notification area. A menu will pop up. 2. Select “Customize notification icons”. On Windows 10:  Taskbar Settings will open. On Windows 10: Scroll right column down to "Notification area". Click on "S…

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